5 ways a VA can help you digitally declutter

Chloe the VAs laptop outside in Suffolk helping small business owners with their administration and social media.

It’s officially spring cleaning season

It’s the best time to digitally declutter your business before the new financial year starts next month. However, I know business can be booming now that the weather is getting warmer, so you may not be able to get all the organising sorted before then.

Here are 5 ways a virtual assistant can help you!

1. Unsubscribing to marketing emails
Marketing emails can clog up your inbox so easily! A VA can go through your inbox and unsubscribe from any unwanted promotional emails. This will bring your number of unread emails down! 

2. Filtering Emails
Staying on the topic of your inbox, filtering emails is a lifesaver! Directing certain emails to specific folders helps your daily life become less overwhelming because the overall number of emails in your inbox will reduce significantly. A VA can help set this up, so you can kickstart the new financial year with an organised inbox!

3. Sorting through contacts
A VA can go through your contact book and make sure all details are correct. They can also delete any old clients, suppliers, or staff so you go into the new financial year with the correct information.

4. Refreshing your social media
If you feel like your bios or profile pictures need updating, a VA can help you do that! Virtual assistants can also make sure all of your social media accounts have up to date details.

5. Document Organising
My favourite motto is that a tidy space is a tidy mind, so if you log onto your systems and everything is disorganised that can easily overwhelm you as you can’t find anything efficiently. A VA can help you rename and organise documents into folders so everything is easy to find. 

Helping you organise your digital life is a dream! So if you want to declutter your digital workspace, you should contact me, and we can have a chat to see how I can help you.


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