How to Tell If You're Ready to Hire a Virtual Assistant

There are lots of signs to show that you may need a virtual assistant, and you may not even realise.

Here is a list of reasons why you may need a VA:

1. To do list isn’t shrinking.

 This is the worst feeling, right? You spend the entire day trying to tick off lots of things on your to-do list, and then at the end of the day, it doesn’t even feel like you’ve accomplished anything! Having a VA would help you tick off lots of those tasks so you can focus on the more important ones.

2. Your work eats into your free time.

You have so much to do during the day that you end up spending your evenings doing tasks like posting on social media, for example. Evenings are meant to be your time to relax, not completing tasks you didn’t get around to doing! Hiring a VA would mean that those tasks you end up doing in the evening can be done during the day instead, so you can spend more time with your family.

3. Constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed

 All those smaller tasks become so time-consuming, and it can cause you to become overwhelmed. If you delegate those tasks to a VA, it will feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders, and then you can focus on more important tasks.

4. You don’t have the expertise for the tasks you’re trying to complete.

 VAs can specialise in so many different areas that hiring one would mean that they will more than likely be able to complete a task a lot quicker than you. A task that might take you an hour may only take 30 minutes for them!  As long as you find a VA who specializes in the tasks you are struggling with, you’re all good to go.

(Check out my services page to see the tasks I can relieve you from.)


5. You can’t afford to hire someone internally.

 Having to hire someone to help you is a BIG expense for any small business, which is why hiring a virtual assistant is the best option for you. I know that most entrepreneurs would take on all the tasks themselves to save money but at the cost of their work-life balance. A VA can do the same tasks as an in-house assistant, but just remotely, and you would be paying a lot less as you only pay for the services you need. You wouldn't need to provide VAs with any equipment, office space, holiday pay, etc.

The list can go on, but I believe hiring a virtual assistant can benefit your business. You started your business because you are passionate about it, and it’s the same with VAs. We love to do those admin tasks that you may find boring or have no knowledge of. Reaching out to a VA means that you can start enjoying your work again. VAs want to help you grow!

If you want to hire a Virtual Assitant you can contact me here:


5 ways a VA can help you digitally declutter


10 tasks you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant